
By submitting a request for a police check you agree that you have read and understood these Terms and Conditions; and you will be bound by, and will abide by, these Terms and Conditions.


1. Definitions

Customer – The individual requesting the check to be carried out.

Company – Makesure Consulting P/L, Unit 5 26-36 High Street, Northcote, 3070, Vic. ABN 35 168 163 666 a NPCS Accredited Broker.

Company Systems – Makesure’s online secure portal used for gathering personal information required to carry out the Police History Check.

NCCHC – Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Checking Service. The Australian Government body who authorises accredited agencies to submit.

Digital Signature – The online signature created through the Company Systems used for identifying the Customer.

National Criminal History Checks to police databases (Police Check).


Terms of Trade

1. Release of Information

The Company or its employees cannot release any criminal history information to individuals without first receiving the required consent form and the specific minimum identification documents of the individual the request is made of.


2. Payment and charging

Basis for charging

The Customer agrees that:

• each time the Customer lodges a police check the Customer will be charged prior to the documentation submitted to the Company and NPCS for sending those police checks at the applicable police check cost;

• each police check will be charged as soon as it is entered into the Company Systems and regardless of whether or not the police check has been checked for accuracy.


3. Refunds

The Company carries out services that generally once submitted means work is carried on which produces a result or report that in most cases is not in the control of the Company. Whereby a check has been ordered and charges have been authorised but that work has not started and a cancellation is requested, The Company will offer a credit in line with the Company Refund Policy.

Any incorrect forms that are submitted or Checks that are already in the system and submitted to relevant suppliers will not be offered refunds or credits.


Refunds will not be offered for:

• Any incorrect forms that are submitted

• Any data entry errors by the Customer or their representative

• Police Checks that are duplicated by request

• Some organisations do not accept Police Checks through NPCS Accredited agencies and Makesure Consulting Pty Ltd cannot be held liable or provide a refund in this case.

Some of those organisations may be;

– Prison services/Parole Board/ Corrections

– Police applicants/Recruits

– VISA Applications

– Victorian Taxi Directorate

– Firearms/ Ammunition licencing

– any other area governed by Commonwealth Legislation


4. Review

Individuals will review all forms before submitting them to ensure that the information they have provided is accurate and correct. Any incorrect information submitted in the forms will make the police clearance invalid.


5. Privacy

The Company is committed to respecting the individual’s privacy. All the individual’s information and other details will be handled in accordance with The Company’s Privacy Policy, and the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs). Makesure Consulting Pty Ltd will use and disclose the individual’s personal information for the purpose of providing a police check service to the individual only.

As required under the APP the Company will take reasonable steps to protect the individual’s personal information from misuse and loss and from unauthorised access, modification, or disclosure.


6. Digital Signature

The Customer accepts that their Digital Signature will be used for consent to carry out the checks and as a means of identification as part of a credit card transaction. The forms used in conjunction with the Digital Signature are all consent forms including the Nationally Coordinated Criminal History Check Application and Consent and the Makesure Consent form. These forms are available to be downloaded once complete – through the Company System.


Signing documents with your Digital Signature complies with e-signature laws worldwide and is a valid and legally enforceable equivalent to a signed paper contract.